Singing Guide: Mary Lambert

Singing Guide: Mary Lambert

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Mary Lambert

From writing poetry in her journal to becoming a Grammy-nominated artist, Mary Lambert inspires audiences with her rich voice and emotionally charged lyrics. Here are some tips to help you learn to sing like Mary Lambert.

Find Your Voice Type

Before you start practicing, learn about your voice type. Knowing your voice range can help you pick the right songs and warm-ups that will complement your voice. Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test can help you determine your voice type with just a few notes.

Warm Up Your Voice

A proper warm-up routine can improve your breathing and pitch control, allowing you to sing for a longer period without straining your voice. Farinelli Breathing and 3 Minute Warm Up are great practice starter regardless of your voice type.

Study Mary Lambert's Vocal Technique

Mary Lambert's voice is known for its vibrato and breathiness, so listen to her songs carefully to identify her unique vocal techniques. Pay attention to her emotive pronunciation and the occasional use of twang or growls. You can learn to twang and growl like Mary Lambert with Singing Carrots' How to Twang Exercise and How to Growl Exercise.

Learn to Control Your Breathing

Mary Lambert's vocal control comes from her breath support. Passive and active breathing techniques, breath support, and respiration are key components of Mary Lambert's style. If you're not sure how to control your breathing, the Breath Support article can help you effectively utilize your breath when singing.

Choose Your Songs Carefully

Find songs and create your performance set that fits your vocal range and skill level. Singing Carrots' Song Search and Vocal Ranges of Famous Singers can help you to search for songs typical for your voice range and even to explore famous artists like Mary Lambert and their vocal ranges.

Take Care of Your Voice

Regular exercises and good singing habits will help you control your voice and improve your technique. Additionally, taking care of your voice is just as important to avoid voicing damage. Incorporate the Vocal Health article suggested by Singing Carrots into your practices so you can sing with a healthy voice and prevent damage due to bad habits.


By incorporating Singing Carrots' techniques into your voice training, studying Mary Lambert's unique vocal techniques, and carefully choosing the right songs, you too can learn to sing like Mary Lambert. Keep practicing and taking care of your voice health, and eventually, you will master your unique voice flying high like a "Jetplane" like Mary Lambert.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.